Annual physicals, also known as annual check-ups or wellness exams, are routine medical appointments designed to assess your overall health and well-being. During an annual physical, your healthcare provider evaluates various aspects of your health to identify and address any potential issues. Here’s a brief overview of what typically happens during an annual physical:

1. Medical History: Your healthcare provider will begin by asking you questions about your medical history, family history, and any current health concerns or symptoms you may have.

2. Physical Examination: A thorough physical examination is conducted to check your vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature. Your provider will also examine your overall physical health, including the heart, lungs, abdomen, and other systems.

3. Review of Medications: Your provider will review your current medications, ensuring they are safe and effective for your condition. They may also make recommendations for changes if necessary.

4. Screening Tests: Depending on your age, gender, and risk factors, your healthcare provider may recommend various screening tests, such as cholesterol checks, blood sugar tests (for diabetes), cancer screenings (e.g., mammograms or colonoscopies), and bone density scans.

5. Immunizations: If you are due for any vaccinations or booster shots, your provider will administer them during your annual physical. This can include vaccines for influenza, tetanus, hepatitis, and others.

6. Lab Work: Blood and urine tests may be ordered to assess your overall health. These tests can help detect conditions like anemia, kidney problems, or infections.

7. Discuss Lifestyle and Preventive Health: Your provider will discuss your lifestyle, including diet, exercise, and stress management. They may offer advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing common health issues.

8. Counseling and Education: Your healthcare provider may provide guidance on specific health concerns, such as smoking cessation, weight management, or contraception. They can also offer advice on nutrition and managing chronic conditions.

9. Referrals: If any concerning issues are identified during the physical, your provider may refer you to a specialist for further evaluation or treatment.

Annual physicals play a crucial role in preventive healthcare, allowing you and your healthcare provider to work together in maintaining your well-being and addressing any health-related concerns.